Job Details

Maintenance Technician Full Time. Immediate Opening.
Monday-Friday 8 to 5 .
Must be HVAC certified and have knowledge of gas, electrical, plumbing and apartment turns.
Competitive Pay and Benefits Offered.
Square One Management is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, veteran status, political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status or disability (in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act) with respect to employment opportunities.

A Maintenance Technician is responsible for keeping a facility operating and repairing any problems when they are discovered before they have a chance to worsen. A Maintenance Technician will usually be required to perform a wide range of repair tasks around a facility. Some other tasks a Maintenance Technician may be called upon to do include:
Performing routine maintenance around the building such as fixing structural damage, for example, window, door or wall repair
Repairing broken or leaking plumbing to avoid water damage and restore full use of water fixtures
Working on damaged electrical wiring when a shortage or severed wire occurs
Maintaining the building HVAC equipment in order to keep climate control in the facility functioning properly
Applying preventative measures to the building to reduce the risk of future problems, such as using a sealant on a flat roof
Fixing potential safety hazards to avoid injuries
Painting the building when old paint has become faded or chipped
recblid 2o8lt16edmczom219forkrq2ku5957

 Square One Management

