Clean Energy Ambassador/Solar Influencer

Job Details

Responsibilities: The Clean Energy Ambassador / Solar Influencer will conduct outreach efforts in their community to promote community solar subscriptions. Responsibilities include: speaking to neighbors, door-to-door canvassing, organizing community events for residents, and providing information and education to community members about solar energy. Clean Energy Ambassador will receive training in conducting outreach, in clean energy and community solar technology, and in promoting community solar subscriptions. Clean Energy Ambassador will work with the MassEnergize Clean Energy Program Assistant and will receive support and supervision from the MassEnergize Community Engagement Program Coordinator. Minimum Qualifications: * Fluency in Portuguese and/or Spanish * Ability to work collaboratively with others * Ability to creatively think about ways to engage with neighbors and community residents * Strong spoken communication and organizational skills * Comfortable with learning and using web-based software * Ability to travel within Framingham to attend events * Access to a computer or digital communication device (to attend zoom meetings) Desirable Qualifications: * Passion for community engagement, environmental or clean energy issues * Experience with social media and outreach campaigns * Experience in the clean energy sector


