Research Specialist

Job Details

Provides high level management of scientific developmental editing to improve the writing, clarity, argument, and scientific accuracy of peer-reviewed manuscripts and proposals for the Hu Research group in the department of Electrical Engineering at SEAS. The work involves both line editing and providing detailed scientific commentary on various research documents, working directly with students and postdocs to clarify the message of their research and how to optimally communicate that message to a scientific audience (i.e., journal editors, peer-reviewers, and readers). Advises authors on data quality, figure presentation/organization, logical flow, arguments, and framing of their manuscripts and proposals to optimize publishing and funding opportunities. Rewrites substantial sections of students and postdocs manuscripts to ensure their research is well-communicated. Work involves both extensive editing, writing, and advising regarding the science itself. Provides writing and editin...Research, Specialist, Operations, Technology, Education, Design

 Yale University


 New Haven,CT