Sr/Research Associate, Reagant QC Dev

Job Details


This role will be working out of our South San Francisco location.


The Sr/Research Associate within the Platform group will join a tight-knit and cross-functional team of scientists and engineers who are tasked with developing a scalable and robust platform upon which the next generation of Natera clinical assays will be based. In this role, the Sr/Research Associate will develop quality control assays for reagents used in Natera's products. Working closely with assay development scientists and automation engineers, the Sr/Research Associate will evaluate technologies that characterize reagent properties and identify criteria used to assess reagent acceptability. We are looking for a meticulous and dedicated candidate with experience in assay development that can work effectively in a fast-paced environment to ensure that the highest quality reagents are used for our patients.


  • Design, develop, and validate quality control assays that will be used to test both incoming and manufactured reagents.
  • Join assay development scientists in characterizing reagents used in existing and future production assays.
  • Collaborate with automation engineers to improve reliability, increase throughput, and decrease costs of reagent quality control assays.
  • Work with Clinical Laboratory and Quality Assurance to ensure that developed methods meet Natera's rigorous quality standards.
  • Document results, author SOPs, and provide training to Operations team members.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.

  • Bachelor's or Master's degree in molecular biology, biochemistry, or closely related field with 2-4 years experience in assay development for the life science industry

  • Hands-on experience in reagent preparation and quality control for NGS-associated assays.
  • Strong understanding of the chemistry underlying nucleic acid extraction, PCR, library preparation, and next-generation sequencing.
  • Must have experience with various molecular biology techniques including but not limited to: next generation sequencing, PCR/qPCR, and nucleic acid extraction and quantification.
  • Must have experience performing data analysis in Excel or similar software.
  • Must be able to plan studies, manually execute experiments in the lab, and interpret results.
  • Must have good communication and time management skills.
  • Experience collaborating cross-functionally with other groups (CLIA, QA, Automation) is a plus.
  • Coding proficiency (Python or R) and liquid handler programming experience are a plus.

The pay range is listed and actual compensation packages are based on a wide array of factors unique to each candidate, including but not limited to skill set, years & depth of experience, certifications and specific office location. This may differ in other locations due to cost of labor considerations.

San Carlos, CA

$80,200-$100,300 USD


Natera is a global leader in cell-free DNA (cfDNA) testing, dedicated to oncology, women's health, and organ health. Our aim is to make personalized genetic testing and diagnostics part of the standard of care to protect health and enable earlier and more targeted interventions that lead to longer, healthier lives.

The Natera team consists of highly dedicated statisticians, geneticists, doctors, laboratory scientists, business professionals, software engineers and many other professionals from world-class institutions, who care deeply for our work and each other. When you join Natera, you'll work hard and grow quickly. Working alongside the elite of the industry, you'll be stretched and challenged, and take pride in being part of a company that is changing the landscape of genetic disease management.


Competitive Benefits - Employee benefits include comprehensive medical, dental, vision, life and disability plans for eligible employees and their dependents. Additionally, Natera employees and their immediate families receive free testing in addition to fertility care benefits. Other benefits include pregnancy and baby bonding leave, 401k benefits, commuter benefits and much more. We also offer a generous employee referral program!

For more information, visit

Natera is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. We are committed to ensuring a diverse and inclusive workplace environment, and welcome people of different backgrounds, experiences, abilities and perspectives. Inclusive collaboration benefits our employees, our community and our patients, and is critical to our mission of changing the management of disease worldwide.

All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply, and will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, age, veteran status, disability or any other legally protected status. We also consider qualified applicants regardless of criminal histories, consistent with applicable laws.

If you are based in California, we encourage you to read this important information for California residents.


Please be advised that Natera will reach out to candidates with a email domain ONLY. Email communications from all other domain names are not from Natera or its employees and are fraudulent. Natera does not request interviews via text messages and does not ask for personal information until a candidate has engaged with the company and has spoken to a recruiter and the hiring team. Natera takes cyber crimes seriously, and will collaborate with law enforcement authorities to prosecute any related cyber crimes.

For more information:
- BBB announcement on job scams
- FBI Cyber Crime resource page



 San Carlos,CA