Ohio Means Jobs Work Experience Participant

Job Details

Ohio MeansJobs Work Experience Participant

The OMJ work experience program is an eligibility based program for youth 14-24. The ultimate goal of the program is to overcome barriers to employment and ultimately become employed in a self-sufficient occupation that is in-demand and one that the participant feels passionate about. To achieve this goal, the youth will work in different occupational fields based of their interests and passions. During this time, the youth will develop soft skills and occupations skills that will help them their entire lives.

OMJ's work experience program uses a variety of different worksites in many different occupational industries. Each individual is matched to a site based off their career assessments. The type of work experience can even vary within site based on the individual's career passion. Some sites include: YMCA's, parks, restaurants, and offices, government agencies, manufacturing companies, insurance agents, medical facilities and many others

 Ohio Department of Education

