Transcription Specialist

Job Details

Job Title : Transcription Specialist

Location : Usgs Fort Collins Science Center, Fort Collins, CO

Key Responsibilities :

Task 1: Maintain security of recorded interviews and focus groups

Task 2: Conduct non-verbatim language capture of recordings

  • Track speakers to differentiate interviewer and interviewee
  • Provide time stamps at consistent intervals
Task 3: Provide transcripts for recording in a timely and secure manner

  • Transcripts of recorded interviews (6600 minutes) with defined speakers and organized time stamps.
  • Transcripts of recorded focus groups (1200 minutes) with defined speakers and organized time stamps.
Performance standards:
  • Recordings are accurately transcribed with only minor omission of nonpertinent phrasing (e.g., "um", "uhhhh", "like...")
  • Speakers are accurately but anonymously identified (e.g., "researcher 1", "respondent 1")
  • Time stamps are accurate
  • Bachelor's degree in a related field (preferred).
  • Proven experience in transcription services, especially for interviews and focus groups.
  • Familiarity with qualitative research methodologies.
  • Excellent listening skills, proficiency in transcription software, and strong attention to detail.
  • Knowledge of confidentiality practices and ethical handling of sensitive data.



 Fort Collins,CO