Kindergarten Teacher (2024 - 2025 School Year)

Job Details

Certified - Qualified (hold certificate) - Elementary K-4

Job Number 460#######

Start Date

Open Date 06/05/2024

Closing Date



Kindergarten Teacher


1. Mississippi Educator License

2. BA or BS Degree(s) required

3. Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board may find appropriate and acceptable.




To create a flexible kindergarten program and kindergarten environment favorable to learning and personal growth; to establish effective rapport with pupils; to motivate pupils to develop skills, attitudes, and knowledge needed to provide a good foundation for further participation in the total school program, in accordance with each pupil's ability; to establish good relationships with parents and with other staff members.


1. Believes strongly that all students can learn and that teachers are responsible for structuring an education environment in which all students can be successful.

2. Provides learning experiences in language arts, social studies, pre-reading, arithmetic, science, art, physical education, and music to pupils utilizing course of study adopted by the Board of Education, and other appropriate learning activities.

3. Instructs pupils in citizenship and basic subject matter specified in state law and administrative regulations and procedures of the school district.

4. Develops and uses instructional materials suitable for verbal or visual instruction of pupils with wide range of mental, physical, and emotional maturities.

5. Provides individual and group instruction designed to meet individual needs and help the pupils make a satisfactory transition to school.

6. Establishes and maintains standards of pupil behavior needed to achieve effective participation in all activities without interfering with the naturally informal atmosphere of a kindergarten.

7. Evaluates academic and social growth of pupils, and keeps appropriate records.

8. Communicates with parents through a variety of means. Holds parent conferences to discuss the individual pupil's progress and interprets the school program.

9. Identifies pupil needs, and cooperates with other professional staff members in assessing and helping pupils solve health, attitude, and learning problems.

10. Creates an effective environment for learning through functional and attractive displays, bulleting boards, and interest centers.

11. Maintains professional competence through in-service education activities provided by the district and self-selected professional growth activities.

12. Participates cooperatively with the appropriate administrator to develop the method by which the teacher will be evaluated in conformance with the district guidelines.

13. Selects and recommends the requisition of books and instructional aids; maintains required inventory records.

14. Supervises pupils in out-of-classroom activities during the assigned working day.

15. Participates in curriculum and other developmental programs as required.

16. Participates in faculty committees and the sponsorship of pupil activities.

17. Performs other tasks as requested by Principal or Superintendent.


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TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: Ten month year. Salary to be established by the Board.


Performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the Board's policy on Evaluation of Professional Personnel.

Approved By:


 Tupelo Public School District

