Job Details



Southeastern University (SEU) at Highlands College (HC) is seeking part-time, adjunct instructors, available to teach between the hours of 8:00 am and 1:30 pm at the Greystone Campus in Birmingham, Alabama, qualified to teach at the collegiate level.

Adjunct instructors lecture in assigned subject areas, guide classroom discussions and group assignments, assign required classwork, grade, and record class assignments, keep accurate attendance records, evaluate overall student performance, conduct student conferences, interact with university administrative staff and navigate the universitys online platform and student information system.

* SEU at HC is currently looking for instructors to teach the following courses:

* BIBL 2623 - Biblical Hermeneutics - A course designed to familiarize the student with the science and interpretation as related to the biblical text. Emphasis is placed on the principles of exegesis, particularly the interpretation of Scripture in light of its historical, grammatical, and theological content. This course required careful study of and reflection upon the appropriate Biblical texts.

* BINT 1533 - New Testament Interpretation - This course serves as an introduction to the New Testament in the context of its first century environments. The course examines the teachings and interpretations of the New Testament as well as the role of the Scriptures in the Church.

* BINT 3213 - Jesus and the Gospels - This course studies the life and teachings of Jesus as recorded in the gospels in light of the historical-culturalgeographical setting of the first century. The course emphasizes the major events of the life of Jesus and his central teachings. The professor may overview all of the Gospels or emphasize one or more of them in this course.

* BIOT 1433 - Old Testament Interpretation - The course serves as an introduction to Old Testament interpretation. It provides an elemental framework for interpreting the Old Testament by exploring its ancient Near Eastern contexts; discussing literary, thematic, and theological constructs; and demonstrating how it informs Christian thought and practice.

* DCOM 1433 - Fundamentals of Speech - This course is a study in both theory and practice in the principles of effective speech development and presentation.

* ENGL 1133 - English Composition I - The study and practice in the critical reading and effective writing of expository prose, with an emphasis on fluency and style.

* ENGL 1233 - English Composition II - The study and practice in the critical reading and effective writing of argumentative and expository prose, with an emphasis on the documented paper. A research paper is required.

* HIST 2013 - American History to 1877 - This course is a survey of American history to 1877. Topics include the colonial period, the Revolutionary era, the Constitution, Jeffersonianism, economic and territorial expansion, sectional tensions, the Civil War, and Reconstruction.

* MATH 1313 - Topics in Math - This course introduces students to non-algebraic principles including sets, logic, Euclidean geometry, probability, and statistics.

* MATH 1323 - Explorations in Math - This is a discrete mathematics course that demonstrates the beauty and utility of mathematics. Topics for this course are set theory, elementary number theory, history of mathematics, numbers and number systems, financial mathematics, and systems of linear equations and inequalities.

* NSCI 1034 - Life Science - This course includes the major biological principles and their application to the general health and well being of humankind. Problem-solving and explanation of biological phenomena is expected to be the basic process development approach.

* PMIN 2223 - Evangelism and Mission - A study of the history and practice of evangelism in the church, with an emphasis on the theological foundation and praxis. An investigation of the major methods of evangelism used throughout the history of the church and a contemporary application will be presented. Skills will be developed to become an effective and relevant witness for Christ in this generation.

* PMIN 3133 - Homiletics I - This course is designed to prepare students with sermon construction, engaging the significance of preaching, the use of Scripture, intention, sermon structure, logical movement of main ideas, illustrations, introductions, conclusion, picturesque language, variety, and types of sermons. The overall approach uses expository methods for narrative passages and topics. This course requires careful study of and reflection upon the appropriate biblical texts.

* PSYC 1133 - Introduction to Psychology - This course is an introduction to the field of psychology. Topics addressed are neuroscience and behavior, nature and nurture, consciousness, sensation and perception, learning, memory, intelligence, personality, psychological disorders, and social behavior.

* SSCI 2033 - Humans in Society - This course is a study of social organization with a focus on organizations, institutions, and social forces that contribute to the formation and self-definition of a society. The development of social norms, culture, belief systems, and stratification are considered. Emphasis is placed on exploring the existence and perpetuation of social problems.

* SSCI 2233 - Marriage and Family - This course is a study of the major issues related to courtship, marriage, and family formation. Special attention is given to the social conditions influencing courtship, marriage, divorce, and family life. Topics include dating rituals, gender differences, expectations, parenting, family dysfunction, family violence, and strategies for sound relating. The role of family counselors and therapists is also discussed.

* THEO 2123 - Christian Thought and Practice - This course surveys the history of Christian thought and practices. Doctrinal topics introduced in the course include the doctrines of God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, humanity, salvation, the church, scripture, and last things. The course explores the application of Christian practices and spiritual disciplines such as prayer, communion, baptism, and social responsibility to the students community.

* THEO 3123 - Introduction to Ethics - This course examines the philosophical and theological principles and issues related to ethics. It addresses meta-ethical questions about the relationship between moral language and concepts and various metaphysical and post-metaphysical views; normative ethical theories; theological structures and implications of ethics; and contemporary ethical issues.

**Essential Qualifications:**

* Masters degree from an accredited institution with 18 graduate semester hours in applicable subject field;

* Prior teaching experience preferred, excellent communication skills, and effective teaching ability;

* Basic computer literacy, up to date laptop for classroom use;

* Be available from 8 am- 1:30 pm to teach face to face courses on Mondays and Wednesdays;

* Willingness to be a professional role model and mentor to 18-24-year-olds;

* Commitment to undergraduate education, professional growth, service, and scholarship in a distinctively Christian setting;

* Agree and abide by Highlands Colleges and Southeastern Universitys Mission and Institutional Goals, Core Values and Doctrinal Statements;

* Eligibility to work in the U.S.

* Outstanding Christian character

Southeastern University is a Christian University that offers an accredited degree through Highlands College. HC is a higher education biblical institute that offers a certificate program in ministry leadership to students 18-24 years old. Please be sure to read the mission and vision of Highlands College at

**Application Process:**

Applicants should send the following to

* A cover letter and vitae/resume;

* Names and phone numbers of three professional references;

* Copies



 all cities,AL