Production Coordinator

Job Details

About Us:

Cada persona en el planeta suea con un hogar mejor. Y en LIXIL, estamos comprometidos en hacer realidad el mejor hogar para todos y en todas partes. Lo hacemos realidad con soluciones tecnolgicas en agua y vivienda. Somos marcas lderes mundiales como INAX, American Standard, GROHE, TOSTEM y muchas ms, tocamos la vida de ms de mil millones de personas cada da, transformando casas en hogares.

Nuestro planeta es el hogar que todos compartimos. Entonces, la forma en que hacemos negocios es importante. Nuestra cultura inclusiva y empoderada, nuestro espritu emprendedor y nuestro compromiso de tener un impacto positivo en el planeta son parte integral de nuestra estrategia comercial.

LIXIL hoy est en un viaje de transformacin. El mundo que nos rodea est cambiando; avances tecnolgicos, necesidades en evolucin, nueva demografa, expectativas cambiantes. Estos cambios sirven como oportunidades para descubrir soluciones y desbloquear el progreso para todos.

Te invitamos a hacer este viaje con nosotros, es tan desafiante como inspirador. Juntos podemos dar forma al futuro de la vida, somos un hogar para el crecimiento, la imaginacin y la creatividad, un hogar para tu talento y ambicin.

Un hogar para todos.

Every person on the planet dreams of a better home. And at LIXIL, were committed to making better homes a reality for everyone, everywhere. We make it happen with pioneering water and housing technology solutions. Home to world leading brands like INAX, American Standard, GROHE, TOSTEM and many more, we touch the lives of more than a billion people each day, transforming houses into homes.

Our planet is the home we all share. So how we do business matters. Our inclusive and empowering culture, entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to having a positive impact on the planet are integral to our business strategy.

LIXIL today is on a journey of transformation. The world around us is changing. Technological advances. Evolving needs. New demographics. Shifting expectations. These changes serve as opportunities for solutions to be discovered, and to unlock progress for all.

We invite you to make this journey with us. It is as challenging as it is inspiring. Together we can shape the future of living. Were a home for growth, for imagination, for creativity. A home for your talent and ambition.

A home for everyone.


Como parte del equipo de manufactura, usted es la fuerza impulsora detrs de la creacin de nuestros productos de cocina y bao. Trabajars de manera prctica con los productos, desde el manejo de la materia prima hasta el envo de una pieza completa. Usted es responsable de garantizar que todos los productos se ensamblen y fabriquen correctamente para brindar a los clientes una experiencia slida y constante. El conocimiento y la atencin a todos los protocolos de seguridad es una parte esencial para mantener nuestras operaciones de fabricacin segura y eficiente.

Part of the manufacturing team, you are the driving force behind the creation of our kitchen and bath products. You will work hands-on with the products themselves, from the handling of raw materials to the shipping of a completed piece. You are responsible for ensuring that all products are properly assembled and manufactured to bring customers a consistently strong experience. Knowledge and attention to all safety protocols is an essential part of keeping our manufacturing operations safe and efficient.


Ensure the optimal operation of the area using proper industrial engineering tools for people and materials management to comply with the production plans, assuring product quality, cost, delivery time and the safety of facilities and workers.

  • Ensure compliance with production plans and programs.
  • Ensure that production is under the manufacturing processes defined by the Quality System.
  • Execute the strategies given by the manufacturing team in order to maintain and reduce levels of waste in the production processExecute the necessary activities to meet the monthly KPIs.
  • Facilitate to maintenance department the machinery or devices under their responsibility for their preventive maintenance plans.
  • Ensure in full and on time in house materials availability for the manufacturing process
  • Maintain and improve quality management system (ISO), environmental and OHSAS certifications.
  • Provide resources for the development and evaluation of changes, improvements and introduction of new products.
  • Run or participate on Daily Management meetings with their teams to review results.
  • Encourage Continuous Improvement of your area (Six sigma, smart teams, kaizen, lean manufacturing).
  • Ensure the training and development of the personnel in charge according to the human resources program.
  • Ensure that all people in their area are trained in the procedures and policies of Quality, EHS programs.
  • Attend weekly EHS performance review meetings; participate in accident investigation and analysis.
  • Maintain the 5s program at the area.
  • Engineering IMA, IME, II. Or similar
  • Experience in people and process management, and lead production using continuous improvement and/or LEAN tools. 3 to 5 years.
  • Experience in Chrome Processes
  • English Level: Professional Working Proficiency.
  • Lixil Competences: Results driven, Collaborative, Analytical, Analytical

Hiring Range:

Aplicable de acuerdo a localidad

EEO Statement:

Declaracin de Igualdad de Oportunidades de Empleo: AS Maquila Mxico S. de R.L. de C.V. y American Standard B&K Mxico, son empleadores que ofrecen igualdad de oportunidades. Todos los solicitantes que resulten calificados para la posicin para la que apliquen, sern considerados para el empleo sin distincin de raza, color, religin, lugar de origen, ascendencia, orientacin sexual, identidad de gnero, gentica, discapacidad, estado civil, edad, estado civil, estado de salud, condicin o cualquier otra caracterstica protegida por la ley.

 American Standard

